Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Announcements! Finals and Meme

Hey everyone!

So as you know, it's the holiday season, and that means for students it's exam time. I have my final exams coming up in the next couple of weeks, and my teachers (as always) love loading on as many homework/project/test assignments as possible. Unfortunately, I won't be able to post as often because of this hectic study schedule.

I'll try to get out posts as much as possible, but please don't expect much from me for the next few weeks. After finals, I'm heading out of town for a week--so that will also take time out of my free schedule.

Also, I've decided to stop my Sad Sunday Book weekly meme. Instead, I'll be starting What's the Word Weekends. This meme will have me picking random books from my bookshelves, selecting random pages via a number generator, and reading a random quote off that page. It'll be fun and way more light-hearted than a meme covering the books that made me cry my heart out.

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